太陽と月をとらえる魔術師 インド人写真家・クルティク・タクール氏の”Light Meets Shadows”
A story of light and shadow
“Light Meets Shadows” by Krutik Thakur、An Indian photographer who captures magical images of the sun and moon
企画 取材 構成:ブルース・オズボーン
Interview and text/ Bruce Osborn
Translation/ Yoshiko Inoue
Football with Sunset
今回タクール氏を紹介するにあたって、プロの写真家を目指したいと思っている若い世代へは希望と勇気を、SNS にはなじみがない世代には新たなヒントを発見する機会となることを願います。
Krutik Thakur is a 21 year old photographer living in the town of Dahanu, Maharashtra which is located on western side of India. He selected the motifs of the sun and moon as the main subjects and takes unique photos utilizing imagination and creativity. His first-ever camera to take pictures was a mobile phone, and growing up in era of SNS, has used it as the platform for showcasing his work. Thakur, continues to circulate his images to the world via social media and as one of the new generation of photographers, has gone through a different process to reached his present status, making a clear distinction from the other photographers who have been featured in “Creators” to date. In the world of photography, where new approaches are pursued through trial and error, we focus on him as one of the artists who are expanding the possibilities of this medium.
It hasn’t been long since Thakur started taking pictures and while he is still in the process of developing his style, has already won several awards in photo contests. The story about Thakur and his photos, have been featured on TV programs and magazines in Japan, Germany, Italy, Russia, United Kingdom, China, etc. He has over 50,000 followers on Instagram from all over the world. I hope his story will serve as inspiration to the up and coming photographers and give hints to established photographers who are not familiar with networking on social media.
Sunset Ride
ブルース・オズボーン (以下BO) :最初に、あなたが生まれて育った場所の話を聞かせてください。
クルティク・タクール(以下KT):私が生まれて育ったのは、タクルワディ(Thakurwadi)という小さな海岸沿いの、ダハヌ(Dahanu)という村です。インドの西海岸にあり、ムンバイ(Mumbai)から約 100 km の場所にあります。自然に囲まれているとても美しい村で、私のお気に入りの場所です。
Hometown and Family Memories
Bruce Osborn (BO) :First of all, please tell us about where you are from?
Krutik Thakur(KT):I was born and raised in the village of Thakurwadi, which is part of the coastal community of Dahanu. It is very beautiful place, surrounded by nature, approximately 100 km from Mumbai on the west coast of India.
高校卒業後、大学で映画とテレビを専攻しましたが、授業でストレスがたまってしまい、ごく簡単なことでも自己表現することもできなくなってしまいました。それでいろいろ考えた結果、学校を休学することにしました。 それと、学校まで遠かったことも、休学を決心したもう一つの理由でした。家から学校まで3時間かかるので、朝は4時50分の電車に乗っていかなければ学校に間に合いませんでした。駅までの送り迎えを両親にしてもらわなければならなかったのは心苦しかったです。
BO:What kind of student were you?
KT:I was always shy and introverted in school, but was a hard worker and enjoyed the classes. At a young age, my parents’ policy was to not help me with my homework. It upset me at the time, however I appreciate it now as I learned how to do things by myself. After graduating high school, I attended to college and majored in Film and Television, but was stressed out by the classes. It got so bad that I couldn’t do even the simplest things, let alone express myself. In addition, the 3 hour commute to college was exhausting for me and also my parents who drove me to the station to catch the 4:50 am train and picked me up at night when I returned. It was a hard decision, but felt that I needed to take a break from school.
Point of Light
This was the moment when the sun came shining through the gaps in the thick clouds. I was able to get this shot with the help of the boy holding the walking stick
BO:Even in Japan, there are an increasing number of students who are unable to adapt to the school’s curriculum and quit. What was your parents’ reaction when you stopped attending to school?
KT:I asked my parents to give me some time on my own to prove myself. Thankfully, they accepted my situation even though a lot tuition money was being wasted. I am grateful to them for believing in me at this difficult time, especially my father, who encouraged my artwork and whose creative genes I inherited.
Took It Away
The monsoon season was finally coming to an end and this was the first picture to take in long time.
KT:休学した頃から、携帯電話で写真を撮ったり、カメラを持っているいとこからカメラを借りて、写真を撮っていました。カメラについての知識が限られていたので、YouTube を見ていろいろと学んでいるうちに、写真を撮ることがだんだん面白くなっていきました。パンデミックで、大学の授業すべてがオンライン化されたので大学を卒業できました。授業に出席しないで試験を受けただけでしたが!
Meeting with Photography
BO:When you stopped going to school, is that when you started taking pictures?
KT:Yes, I devoted all my time into taking photos with my mobile phone or using my cousin’s camera when I could borrow it. I had a limited knowledge about cameras and watched YouTube to learn more. After a while, I started feeling better and enjoying to take photos. When I heard that due to the pandemic, my college was going to be teaching all the classes online, I decided to go again. Basically, I just took the exams so I could graduate and rarely attended classes.
Variation of Sunset
BO:What kind of photos were you taking at that time?
KT:The first few months, I was randomly shooting different genres of photography and in the process, realized that silhouettes were the subject I love to take. I think that each step that I took along the way was important part in my development as a photographer.
With Crowd, but Alone
KT:たくさんの写真家から影響は受けましたが、特に野生動物写真を撮るVarun Adtiya(インド)https://blog.indiefolio.com/varun-aditya-nat-geo-nature-photographer-year/、動物の切り抜きをシルエットで撮影している John Marshall (アメリカ) https://theinspirationgrid.com/sunset-selfies-clever-photo-series-by-john-marshall/ 、惑星や他の天体のクローズアップ写真を撮るRami Ammoun(インド)https://www.thephoblographer.com/2022/07/09/rami-ammoun-often-falls-in-love-with-moonlit-skies/などです。画像を通じてストーリーを語る方法の写真が好きです。
BO:At the young age of 21, you are still learning, but have already found such a unique way of looking at nature. What kind of photographers have been an inspiration to you?
KT:There are so many, but I particularly like wildlife photos by Varun Aditya (India) https://blog.indiefolio.com/varun-aditya-nat-geo-nature-photographer-year/, John Marshall’s (USA) pictures of silhouettes and cutout animals, https://theinspirationgrid.com/sunset-selfies-clever-photo-series-by-john-marshall/ and Rami Ammoun (India) images of planets and other celestial objects. https://www.thephoblographer.com/2022/07/09/rami-ammoun-often-falls-in-love-with-moonlit-skies/ I really love the ways that each of them tell stories through their photographs.
「Light Meets Shadows」が誕生
Birth of “Light Meets Shadows”
BO:Could you tell us about when you started photographing the sun and silhouettes?
KT:One day I was at the beach with my cousin’s camera and saw two children playing. As I was watching them, I suddenly had an idea for taking their photos with the sun. Drawing a rough sketch on the sand, I explained the shooting setup to them. When I got home and looked at images frame by frame, I was really excited by the results. That is the moment when my hobby became my passion!
Helping Hands
This is my first photo born from the collaboration of the sun, children, and me.
BO:Who is there to help you when you are taking pictures?
KT:Most of the time, it’s my family and friends are there to support me, but sometimes I find someone at the beach and ask them to be my model.
It happened as I was going home from filming and the sky suddenly turned bright colors. I quickly pressed the shutter of this beautiful moment which will always be remembered when I see this photo.
BO: 恥ずかしがり屋で内向的の性格が、作家としての表現に影響していると感じたことはありますか?
KT:もちろんです。内向的で恥ずかしがり屋ですので、自分の周りで起こっていることを黙って観察していることが多いです。静かに自分の考えに耳を傾けることは、自分にとって平和を感じているひとときで、創作するためのだいじな時間です。 夕暮れ時の撮影は、私にとって瞑想のようで、自然とのつながりを強く感じます。
BO:You describe yourself as being shy and introverted. Do you think that this has some positive influences on your creativity?
KT:Yes, I am often silently observing what is happening on around me. I feel peaceful listening to my inner thoughts and it’s a productive time for me. Also quietly taking pictures at dusk is like a meditation and I’m connected to the environment.
Phases of Moon
Experiencing the Pandemic
BO:You are taking all the photos at the same location. Could you tell me the reason?
KT:Of course, it is important for photographers to explore places and discover new things, but my financial situation was not good at the time, also due to the pandemic, it was not safe to travel. The beach by my home felt like it the best spot to take the photos. After I shot there a few times, I realized that limitations are not necessarily a minus, they can also be a blessing. I got hooked on photographing at the same location and continue to take this series there.
Set and Rise
Once a month, the full-moon rises 10-15 minutes before the sunset. These are the photos I took that day.
KT:ロックダウン中はインドを旅行できませんでしたが、その結果というか、「Light Meets Shadows」というシリーズが誕生しました。大切なことは、考え方次第で可能性はいろんなところにあるということ。それから、旅ができなかったのでコツコツお金を貯めて、ついにカメラを購入することができました。
BO: Globally the pandemic has had an effect on everyone’s lives to a greater or lesser extent. Please tell us about your own experiences?
KT:The important thing I learned is, there are many possibilities depending on how you think. I couldn’t travel during the lockdown and came up with the idea for taking “Light Meets Shadows”. I was also saving money by staying at home and was finally able to buy a camera.
Putting at Better Place
KT:貯めていたお金と写真コンテストで獲得した追加資金で、2020 年 9 月にカメラとレンズを 2 組購入することができました。
BO:Tell me how you felt about getting your camera?
KT: In Sept. 2020, with the amount I had been saving along with some extra money won from a photo contest, I could buy a camera with a couple of lenses. I was so happy to be finally be able to take all the ideas I had been thinking about!
Sun Ballon
Sunset is one of the most beautiful things in nature and children are subjects that inspire me.
BO:この記事の読者の中には、ソーシャル メディアの使用にあまり慣れていない人もたくさんいます。SNSのメリットや可能性について聞かせてください。
Facing Social Media
BO:Some people reading this article may not be accustomed to sharing their photos on social media. Please tell us about its merits and possibilities?
KT:From the beginning, I’ve always shared my work on the internet. As a young artist, I wanted to introduce my artwork and SNS provides a free platform for showcasing images to the world. It is a convenient way to market work and interact with others online. I enjoy hearing their opinions as it gives me a deeper understanding about my photos. In addition, social media has the potential for leading to work and other prospects.
Sun Moon
BO:Instagramのフォロワーは50,000人を超えていますね。 フォロアー数を増やすために何か特別な方法がありますか?
BO : You have over 50,000 followers on Instagram. Is there any special technique you found for increasing the number of followers?
KT:As I focused on the theme of taking silhouettes with the sun and the moon, the number of followers from abroad began to increase. It is interesting to find out which my images are more popular than others. I value this feedback, but my photography is personal, so I always want to trust my intuition first. I don’t post photos just for the purpose of gaining more accesses. If the numbers grow, I hope it is because people feel an empathy with the photos I am taking.
Dig up Happiness
Shining a light in the dark will make you shine brighter
BO:Can you support yourself by selling original prints through your website?
KT:Selling photos online is still a growing business for me and the revenues come in waves. I make a living as a photographer taking commercial jobs along with selling my original prints.
Football Bicycle Kick
サッカーで最もエキサイティングなプレーの一つといわれる、Bicycle kick(オーバーヘッドキック)の撮影は、何度も失敗し成功するまでに1年かかりました。
The Bicycle kick (overhead kick) is one of the most exciting plays in football. It took a year with many attempts before I finally got this shot.
Future Possibilities
BO:What are the strengths and weaknesses as a photographer living in a natural setting far away from the hustle and bustle of big cities?
KT: Compared to the hectic life of city dwellers, being in an environment with very little pollution and close to nature is a pleasure for the body. It makes me feel calm and happy and it is directly and indirectly reflected in my work. The downside is, there are less job opportunities.
夕日の写真を見ながらひまわりの歌を聴いているときに浮かんだアイディでしたが、雨季だったので撮影するまでに1 週間ほど待ちました。
The idea came while I was listening to the song “Sunflower” and looking at a picture of the sunset. It was still the rainy season, so had to wait another week before the weather cleared and could take the photo.
BO: Plastic and other debris polluting the oceans is a global problem. What is your community doing about these environmental issues?
KT:Pollution of oceans and beaches are an increasing concern and it’s only going to get worse. Neighbors in my community have been volunteering to cleanup trash on the beaches, but there are many who still don’t realize the seriousness of the problem. I think it is important to let everyone know and to take action!
Evaporate Worries
BO:Please tell us the message you want to communicate though your photos?
KT:Using a combination of light and shadows, I want to show that ‘‘Photos Speak, even in the darkest times, there is light to make you beautiful and defeats the inner darkness.”
Delivering the light to those who need it.
KT:当面は、太陽とシルエットのシリーズを続けること。そして、ビーチに漂着するプラスチックゴミの撮影をするという、2 つのプロジェクトを考えています。それ以外にも、これからはいろいろなジャンルの写真に挑戦したいと思っています。まだ写真家としては初心者ですので、しばらく入選を逃している写真コンテストにも積極的に応募して挑戦を続けていこうと思います。
BO:What are your future aspirations as a photographer?
KT:I have two new projects in mind; one is on the energy of the sun and the other is about plastic waste washed up on beaches. I am still have much to learn and want to continue exploring various genres of photography. In addition, I will keep challenging myself by actively applying to photo contests.
クルティク・タクール(Krutik Thakur)氏の展覧会情報
タイトル「Light Meets Shadow」
Photo exhibition: “Light Meets Shadow”
Photography by: Krutik Thakur
Venue: Foreign Correspondences’ Club of Japan
Date: Nov. 5 – Dec. 2, 2022
Information: https://www.fccj.or.jp/index.php/exhibition/november-2022-exhibition-light-meets-shadow
独学で写真を撮り始めてから3年目。「Light Meets Shadow」シリーズを撮り続けている21歳の写真家。
日本のテレビ番組、スッキリ(日本)の他にも、Fruhstucks (ドイツ)、Ert News (ギリシャ)、Mobile Reporter (ロシア)のテレビ番組で紹介。英国、イタリア、インドの新聞や雑誌でも紹介された。
50,000 人を超える Instagram のフォロワーがおり、彼の作品を紹介する重要なプラットフォームとなっている。
Bio: Krutik Thakur
21 years old photographer from a coastal town in western India.
A self-taught cameraman who has been taking “Light Meets Shadow” series for the last 3 years. His work has been introduced on following TV programs Sukkiri (Japan), Fruhstucks (Germany), Ert News (Greece), and Mobile Reporter (Russia) along with newspapers and magazines in UK, Italy, China, and India.
Thakur has over 50,000 followers on Instagram, which has become an important platform for introducing his work to people in other countries.